Schindler's list is a tragic film which has attracted millions of fans. This film was set in the era of Nazi's reign in Auschwitz, Germany and it tells the story of Oskar Schindler a greedy German bussinesman who becomes an unlikely humanitarian and helps Jews not to face deat.
There are 3 main characters, Liam N. known as Oskar Schnidler, Ben Kingsley Known as Itzhak Stern and Ralph Fiennes known as Amon Goeth.
As the film progresses we follow the storyof the people that Schindler helped. Throughtout most of the film, it is Stern who writes the names in the list.
However, Oskar Schindler is the one who managed to save about 1100 Jews from being gassed at the Auschwitz concentration camps.
Shindler's list is an outstanding film which kept fans on edge as the plot unfolds. In addition to s thrilling story viewers are transported to that era and feel what Jews did in concentration capms.

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