Nowadays, people are more aware of what they should eat or shouldn't eat. There are different types of people that are vegetarian; the ones that are flexible (they eat meat or fish sometimes) and the other ones are completely vegetarian and they don't any type of animal.
First of all, being vegetarian seems hard but when you start it's easy and you make it a routine. Obviously, when you decide joining this lifestile, you feel the difference in your health. You lower the risk of having heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Also, 50 billion farm animals worldwide are raised in factory farms, where they live and die in pain; being vegetarian helps stop this cruelty.
Secondly, this lifestyle may hurt you if you aldready have healthy problems because some proteins that we need to survive are in meat. For example; vitamins B12 (it helps your brain and it's only found in meat) and other things like iron (you can find it in plants but there is more quantity in meat).
In conclusion, it has to be your decision to eat whatever you want and if you choose to be a vegetarian you should be aware of it and not by influence.

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