The Personal use of drones should be banned
The Personal use of drones should be banned Nowadays,drones are starting to be essential in our society.Some people use them for their own benefits and others use them to help others and live in a better world.The question is,are drones as dangerous as they seem? On the one hand,drones are capableof detecting accidents.For example,a few days ago,in a Village there was a car accident and the affected driver almost died.But,a boy was taking pictures of the landscape with his drone.The drone detected the car accident even if it was miles away.In addition there are more amazing things,such as taking amazing pictures and so on. On the other hand,there are some things that only a human being can do and drones can't. In spite of the fact that they can do some things that we,humans,can't do.For exapmle,to fly or stay underwater for more than 10 minutes.Besides that,drones can't be 100% controllled and sometimes they can hurt people.For example,an 18 month old boy was ser...